Not just in the ranking, deleting the feature image will affect your blog in various other ways. No, hiding the feature image will not affect your SEO ranking in any manner, but it will affect the ranking if you delete the feature image. Will It Affect The SEO Ranking Of Your Blog? There are no demerits of hiding featured images from the blog post or page.

It totally depends upon you mostly, bloggers hide featured images because they want their visitors to start with the content directly or increase the blog’s loading speed. Whether Hiding A Featured Image Is The Right Decision Or Not? When someone shares your blog post on any social media platform, only your blog post title and feature image will show there no one will notice your blog if the feature image is not there. Feature image is not just for showing on your blog post, it is responsible for attracting visitors to your blog. Well, we highly recommend you not to delete the image, because feature image is one of the most important things, you can say it the face of your blog post.