Move back the caret back to the top of the file.Insert a space all lines will now be space-padded out to the length of the caret column.Ideally you will obtain a zero-width tall skinny column caret, but it is okay if it is has some small width to it (if you were not spot-on about being in the same column each time you invoked the command). Invoke the Edit (menu) -> Begin/End Select command again (ending the selection).Alt+LeftClick at about the same horizontal position on the screen as noted before, on the last line.Invoke the Edit (menu) -> Begin/End Select command (beginning the selection).Make a mental note as to where horizontally the caret is on the screen.This should be further to the right than any existing line in the file has data. On the first line of your file, lengthen the line by adding space characters out beyond (by a few) the column you want your last = character to end up in.This can be done in 3 distinct step groupings: